導航:首頁 > 電影資訊 > 如何用英語介紹電影院位置


發布時間:2023-12-06 08:49:45

❶ 英語作文求速度,限今天啊50懸賞,速度快的話再加20 [給分的]求英語作文,介紹湘潭最好的電影院左

Hello, today I want to introce some of the best places in Xiangtan 。The best cinema in Xiangtan left the cinema, The cinema has comfortable sofas and big screen。And,the best shopping plaza Hualong BBK best hotel, You stay here for one night, only to spend 5 yuan。
There is a comfortable bed in Hua Tian Hotel, Next the best park in the peace park。L like it very much。望採納啊。部分可能有語法錯誤望諒解

❷ 請問電影院在哪兒英語

Could you tell me where the cinema is?

❸ 告訴朋友如何找到電影院的英語作文

When we go to see a movie,there are some rules we should pay attention to .Firstly,take away your rubbish and do not litter around in the theater.Also shouting is not allowed inside and when the movie begins,you'd better keep quiet.What's more,after the movie begins,stop walking around which will definitely bother other audience.Last of all,please turn off your mobile phones or shut the sound,in order that you won't interrupt others watching.

❹ 英語作文從到電影院的路線加漢語

It is about 400 meters from my home to cinema. And I spend around 15 minutes go there every time. How do I get to cinema? Now, I'd like to give you the answer. Get out of the door of my home and just turn left, and go straight forward about 200 meters, then you can find the first crossroad. At the crossroad, you just turn right and go straight forward for 200 meters and you will find the cinema named *** on your right. You can't miss it.
從我家到電影院大約400米,我每次大約花15分鍾就可以到那裡。那麼我是怎麼到電影院的呢?現在,我將告訴你答案。出家門然後左轉,直走大約200米,你將發現第一個十字路口,在十字路口那裡,右轉,再直走200米,你會發現電影院 ***(影院名稱) 就在你右邊。你就找到了。

❺ 英語作文,怎樣去電影院不少於五句話加翻譯

Jim and I are going to the movie. It is five kilometers from our home. We decide to go there by bike. Yet, it is rainy. So we take a bus.

❻ 請問電影院在哪兒用英語什麼·說

腿 . . leg . 近義詞或片語 supporter | thigh | crura | limb | GAM | pin 嘴 . . mouth . 近義詞或片語 rostra | potato box | potatobox | rostralis | spile | rattler | trap | nib | bazoo | spigot | nozzle | rostrum | potatotrap 鼻子 . . nose . 近義詞或片語 beezer | konk | proboscis | snoot | smeller | schnozzle | snout | handle of the face | boko

❼ 請問電影院在哪裡把這句話譯為英語

Where is the movie theatre?



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