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㈠ 關於說北歐奧丁神的一部電影叫什麼

Valhalla Rising 2009
瓦爾哈拉之崛起 / 維京英靈殿 / 血染天堂路(台)
公元1000年前後,部落首領巴德(亞歷山大•莫頓 Alexanda Morton 飾)對於來歷不詳的獨眼龍武士哈羅德(麥德斯•米克爾森 Mads Mikkelsen飾)百般刁難,非但不認為他是同族予以保護,反倒覺得他是受仇恨詛咒的危險生物,並一氣之下宣判了他的囚刑。哈羅德被綁縛在曠野里受盡折磨。幸好,他遇到了10歲的機靈男孩阿爾(馬爾滕•史蒂文森 Maarten Stevenson 飾)。有阿爾營救,哈羅德方才脫離牢獄。兩人結成生死同盟,踏上面向黑暗之心的逃亡之路。途中,他們登上了一艘努力尋找樂土的海盜船,但是大霧迷江。小船在海上漂浮了40天後,才達到了一片未知的土地。然而,在哈羅德等人登陸時,卻中了土著人的埋伏,海盜們受到了可怕的詛咒,死傷慘重。小阿爾也不幸被俘。哈羅德在營救恩人的同時,逐漸撥開了自己的身世謎團……

㈡ 英語電影觀後感五篇


This film tells us a story about how a mon panda bees a real dragon warrior。 這個電影為我們講述了一個平凡的熊貓怎樣成為一個真正的龍武士的。

At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior。


Through the panda's persistence,he win Master Shifu's acceptance。 透過熊貓堅持不懈的努力,他贏得了師傅的認可。

Master Shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to Master Wugu's instruction。


Finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger。 最終,熊貓成功的打敗了他們的最大的敵人----虎。

This movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overe as long as you tried your utmost persistently。




This film is based on a true story 。 That happened in Japan in 1935。So I was moved by the spirit of Hachi!

No one has the ability to show his love to only one person ring his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without plaining and consciousness of exhaustion。 We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved。

In fact , some research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s diseases than we do。 Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master would die because of his heart disease。 It’s his only way to hold him back 。 Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home。 His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground。 Maybe professor knows, but he could never e back。


Ice Age 冰河世紀觀後感

It’s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any puter-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo。 In fact, until Shrek, 2001’s rollicking success, I wouldn’t have even believed it could happen。 What is surprising, is that Ice Age doesn’t even ATTEMPT to reach Pixar’s Toy Story heights, apparently content to revel in its status as Monster’s, Inc。's second rate, half wit cousin。 Ice Age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cavemen。 This time, it’s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man。 Strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot。 But when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (Ray Romano), saber-toothed tiger (Dennis Leary), and giant sloth (John Leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home。

Visually, Ice Age is perhaps the poorest bit of CGI I have ever seen。

Contrasted to the beautiful constructs of Monsters, Inc。; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of Shrek; Ice Age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and Acme animated characters。 No hint of photo-realism here。 It’s like paring a Bugs Bunny Cartoon to The Lion King。 Actually, I suspect that is exactly what the folks at Ice Age were going for。

Ice Age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and

Leguizamo one liners。 Some of them are even quite funny。 If that is all that we’re going for here, then I suppose I’m all for it。 But then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching sappiness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation。 Frankly, I’m not even sure the CGI they use here is up to the task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters。 The humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures。 It’s laughable watching their

polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story’s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches。

Thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels。 As a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining。 Sure, Ray Romano’s vocal talents aren’t particularly spectacular。 But Dennis Leary and the always-odd John Leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation。

The story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation。 The film’s only real saving graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct

melon-hoarding dodos。 Ice Age’s edy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you’re under 5, you’ll be bored with everything else。



This is a can't-miss family movie。 After all, EVERYONE seems to like inspiring family films--especially when it's based on real people。 And, not surprisingly, I had a thoroughly good time watching it--though I do remend you see it with a box of Kleenex nearby。

The film is about a young man named Michael Oher--an extremely large black teenager who has bounced from home to home in the foster care system。 Currently, he's in a new school and no one realizes that he has no place to live。 Yet in spite of having a crack-addicted mother, a father who was killed in prison and every other reason to be an angry powder keg, he's a very gentle and sad soul---who is also enormous and has amazing potential to play football。

A nosy but very nice lady (Sandra Bullock) convinces her husband (Tim McGraw) to bring Michael home。。。at least for the night。 But this one night turns into a permanent living situation and he bees an important part of the family。 However, despite this new living arrangement working out well, Michael is so far behind in school and his GPA so low that he hasn't a prayer to play football in college。 That's because although many schools are now offering him athletic scholarships, his GPA is too low to allow him to accept these offers。 So, with his new family's help, perhaps he can pull up those grades and have a future。

This film is super-inspirational and sweet--mostly because it's true。 I am sure that some poetic license was taken when making the film (I especially wonder if the little brother could be THIS precocious and adorable), but overall they did a good job of sticking reasonably close the facts。 While I loved Sandra Bullock's performance (she's great as usual), I was a bit surprised that she received Oscar for it--I did see a few performances in other films that year that I thought were a bit better (such as the leading young lady in "Precious")。 Also, Tim McGraw, while a lesser role in the film, did a surprisingly good job--especially as he's really known as a country singer, not an actor。 All around, a very good film and one that is meant to inspire。


Hero is a film that can impress everyone who has seen it。 It

narrates a funny and simple story, but leaves us a lot of thinking

behind。 It explains the definition of hero in a new and creative


The leading role Bernie Lapland was played by the famous

American edian Dustin Hoffman。 He is an ordinary but

unfortunate person who has previous convictions, mon

looking, lawsuit around and a tough ex-wife。 He is even not

liked by his judge who has only met his once。 Sometimes, he is

selfish and rude, but when facing his son, he returns to a

fatherly and attentive father like everyone else。 He happened to

encounter a plane crash at a rainy night, and rescued 54

passengers from the burning plane out of human nature。 He

grasped the chance to act as a hero, but what is dramatic is that

he missed the opportunity to claim the honor。 Meanwhile, a

vagrant called Bobber subsequently steps forward and got the

reward es with the worship from all the citizens。 Lapland

was still regarded as a poor man in jail, not being able to

achieve any kinds of success after doing such a big favor to the passengers。 While, Bobber started to show up in front of public under the glory of being a hero and set out to philanthropy。 He inspired people’s goodness and confidence in life, brought hope to the hopeless and homeless, he has done what a hero should do。 Finally, Bobber came to an agreement with the real hero Lapland, for not breaking people’s belief which had just set up by the man-made hero。

The whole story leads me to think of the definition of hero。 What is hero? Who is a hero? How should heroes behave? Actually, hero is just an ordinary person。 What makes him a hero is that he throws himself into breach when faced with danger, regardless of his own safety。 Then, an ordinary man changed in to a big hero。 It seems that he is so extraordinary among us, but in fact, he is just one of us。 We all can be the hero if we have the chance。 It is a symbol of the goodness indwells in our nature character。 When we put the word hero into the background of 21st century, its eternal aureole seems to fade。 We don’t need a hero to save the whole world any more, and we no longer wait for a hero to rescue our life。 We live in peace and harmony, and hero walks away from our life at the same time。 At the same time, when our country’s interest

meets danger or some one’s life is in risks, heroes who used to be pipsqueaks will rush out and break into our eyes。 The heroes who have made such great salvation can be everyone, they maybe our neighbors, our relatives, our friends or even someone we don’t know。 They are different from the bygone heroes who usually appear in front of every trouble, who can be read on text books, who used to be arranged at the frontier line of any kinds of danger。 Heroes now are mon people, but show up great courage and ability to bonder the responsibility to protect human lives and the peace of the world。 Heroes are just the ones e our boldly when somebody else are in jeopardy。

We all have the potential to be a hero, may be the only thing we need is the right opportunity。 Heroes are hidden in every corner of our society; they do their job silently and stay far from the media, they will never declare who they are and what they have done to public。 But, we cannot deny that they are real heroes。

㈢ 一部關於龍的科幻片,一個人找到了世界上最後一隻噴火龍並准備把他殺掉,後來結下什麼什麼的友誼

是96年美國電影《龍之心》又名《魔幻屠龍》 DragonHeart
丹尼斯奎德 主演
類型: 劇情 / 動作 / 奇幻 / 冒險
劇情簡介 · · · · · ·



㈣ 七武士結局為什麼死了這么多武士
















㈤ 電影觀後感英語作文30字

This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior. 這個電影為我們講述了一個平凡的熊貓怎麼成為一個真正的龍武士的。
At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.
Through the panda's persistence,he win Master Shifu's acceptance. 通過熊貓堅持不懈的努力,他贏得了師傅的認可。
Master Shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to Master Wugu's instruction.
Finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger. 最終,熊貓成功的打敗了他們的最大的敵人----虎。
This movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overcome as long as you tried your utmost persistently.

㈥ Tom Cruise的電影《最後的武士》結局怎麼樣






















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