導航:首頁 > 電影影評 > 我們能一起去看電影嗎英文怎麼說


發布時間:2024-07-03 21:25:23

① 一起去看電影 英文

Go to watch movie together 或 Go to the cinema together
英語看電視、電影叫 watch,不能用 see。
go to movie 是「去電影」。

② 「一起看電影」的英文怎麼

一起看電影Watching movies together
一起看過的電影Read together with the film

③ 我們一起去看電影吧。用英語翻譯

Let's go to the movies together!

④ 我們去看電影吧。英文怎麼說

How about going to the sinema / see a film ?這是純美式的問法,樓上的翻譯的太生硬!去看電影一定就非要用相信我沒錯!

⑤ 你能和我去看電影嗎用英語翻譯七種方式

  1. can you go to the movie with me?

  2. let's go to the cinema , ok?

  3. would you like to see a movie with me?

  4. would you mind watching the movie with me?

  5. how about watch the movie together with me ?

  6. do you want to watch/see a movie/film with me ?

  7. could you go to the cinema with me ?

  8. why not go to the cinema with me?

另外,去看電影可以翻譯為:go to the cinema , go to a movie;

邀請人的話,可以用虛擬語氣,would you like to do sth. ; would you mind doing sth.; do you want / like to do sth., why not ......; let's go to ......



⑥ 我們一起看電影吧英文怎麼說


翻譯成英文是:Let'sgo and watch amovietogether.



英[wɒtʃ] 美[wɑ:tʃ]

vt. 注視,注意; 看守,監視; 守候(機會等); 密切注意;

n. 表; 值夜,值班; 看守,監視; 值班人員;

vi. 觀看; 注視; 守候; 看守;



[其他] 第三人稱單數:watches復數:watches現在分詞:watching過去式:watched過去分詞:watched

⑦ 讓我們一起去看電影吧翻譯成英文怎麼寫

Let's go watch a movie together.

一般都是這么說的,不用說 「go to watch」 ,直接說 「go watch" 就可以了。

⑧ 你能和我們去看電影嗎是的,我樂意去。但是我不的不照看我的妹妹的英文翻譯

Can you go to watch movies with us?

Yes,I really wanna go. But I have to look after my sister.

⑨ 我們一起去看電影吧!的英文是啥 急急急

we are go to see the move



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