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发布时间:2024-06-15 09:31:05

❶ 用英语写一篇计划去看电影的作文

See a filmI have been so busy with study since I became a high school student that I hardly have any opportunity to go to the movies. Indeed, movies have ceased to interest me. Last night, however, an idea came to me that perhaps going to a movie would help relax my tense mind. So I went. It was a very funny comedy. Most of the audience, including myself, didn't stop laughing from the beginning to the end. The picture really relaxed me. I was able to study more effectively. The movie gave me one extra lesson: play is as important as work.

❷ 我和父母一起去看电影英语作文

Last weekend, the weather was sunny I went to a movie with my parents. We went to the cinema by bus . We started at 1:00 in the afternoon .The name of the film is Avatar.We all enjoyed ourselves in the cinema.We went home at five in the afternoon.



❸ 以让我们去看电影为题的英语作文

dear jim:
hello!I come to your home just now but you are not in your house.I feel pretty disappointed because I do not see you at this moment.I want to invite you to watch movie with me.But now,I have to leave this short massage to inform you the time and the place we meet next time.I will watting for you in the cinema in the evening at seven o 'clock.The movie will start at seven-thirty.I hope you will come and we could watch the movie together.Thank you for coming.
Yours sinserely

❹ 英语作文,怎样去电影院不少于五句话加翻译

Jim and I are going to the movie. It is five kilometers from our home. We decide to go there by bike. Yet, it is rainy. So we take a bus.

❺ 看电影的英语作文200字以内,快!

Going to the Movies

In Taipei there are many theatres showing a wide variety of movies such as love stories, westerns, spy stories, adventure ones, science fiction ones, and Kung-fu ones. I like to go to the English movies to enjoy the special effects and good music as well as to learn the language. Some movies I have seen before still interest me, and I enjoy watching it again. Usually it is more fun to go to the movies in a group on holidays.

❻ 英语作文我如何去电影院不少于60个单词


See a filmI have been so busy with study since I became a high school student that I hardly have any opportunity to go to the movies. Indeed, movies have ceased to interest me. Last night, however, an idea came to me that perhaps going to a movie would help relax my tense mind. So I went.


It was a very funny comedy. Most of the audience, including myself, didn't stop laughing from the beginning to the end. The picture really relaxed me. I was able to study more effectively. The movie gave me one extra lesson: play is as important as work.


❼ 看电影与看书 英语作文

At free time ,we ofte have some interesting activies.Such as watch movies and read the books.I think watching movies can save time ,and I think it is interesting and easy to understand.Reading is relaxing ,we also can learn a lot of skills from the books,I am interested in reading.Because reading can help me learn more knowledgeable,and do not need to stay at the same time about a hour Ijust need to take a book stay with me.And at the same time,new fictions are more than the new movies.



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