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发布时间:2024-06-15 19:43:10

① 用英语翻译:1吉娜饭学后通常做什么 2今天晚上去看电影怎么样 3 周末他总是帮着做

  1. What does Gina usually do after meals?

  2. How about going to the movie tonight?

  3. He always help do housework on weekends.

  4. He hardly ever stays up.

  5. How often do you exercise? Twice a week at least.

② 今晚去看电影好吗/ Would you mind going movies this evening英语翻译的对吗/如果用would you like

“去看电影”应用go to the cinema或go to see a movie/film。
Would you mind ...?通常不用来邀请对方做某事。通常用于“该事可能给对方带来不便时”,如:
Do you mind opening the window?。
询问“……好吗?”可用Would you like...?如本句可说:Would you like to go to the cinema?或Would you like to go to see a movie this evening?


③ 今晚你去看电影吗的英文怎么写

will you go for a movie tonight

经常去看电影的人叫做movie goer,所以go for a movie是最简洁明了的说法

④ 怎么用英语翻今天晚上去看电影,怎么样

what going to see a film this evening?

⑤ 急急!1、今晚我们去看电影,好吗(汉翻英)Let's ____ ____ ____ ____ this evening,shall we

1.go to the cinema 这个短语字面上是“去电影院”的意思,可是我们都知道去电影院就是去看电影啦,所以填这个

2.practice reading English. 练习干某事是practice doing sth,后面一定是接动词的ing形式哦!

3.had a busy but 忙碌是busy,“却”表示转折,用but连接两个形容词就够啦


⑥ 今晚去看电影怎么样英文翻译


机翻:How about going to the movies tonight?

网络:How about coming to the movies tonight?



通过听英文电影中的对话(By listening to the dialogue in English movies)

我和朋友去看电影:(I went to the movies with my friends)

我喜欢看喜剧电影(I like watching comedy movies)

⑦ 英语我们去,看电影好吗语音回答。

Let us go for a movie, okay?
Let us go to see a movie, okay?

⑧ 今晚去看电影怎么样用三种表建议的句型


  1. Let's go to the movies together?

2. Shall we go to the movies together?

3. How about going to the movies together?

“去看电影”还可以表达成:go to the cinema,go to a movie, go to the movie, go to see a film/movie等等



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